The City of Houston has established a system of Verification and Correction of the Drainage Utility Charge for each Benefited Property pursuant to Sec. 47-824 of the City's Code of Ordinances.
After receiving your Initial Notification Letter from the City, which notifies you of your annual drainage utility charge, you will have the opportunity to request the City to correct any information contained in this letter, which you deem in error, including the calculation of the amount of impervious surface on your property, on which this drainage utility charge is based. This request is called a Request for Verification and Correction.
You are not required to request verification and correction, but if you believe the City's calculation of your property's impervious surface is incorrect, and you fail to request verification and correction, your drainage utility charge will be the amount shown in the Initial Notification Letter (unless, in the future, the amount of impervious surface on your property changes).
If you decide to request such verification and correction, please note the following:
A. Your request for Verification and Correction along with supporting documentation must be sent to the City.
B. To request Verification and Correction, you must provide documentation that supports a reduction in your ANNUAL Drainage Utility Charge that is at least the greater of 2% or $3.00 annually ("Threshold"). To simplify this process, the "threshold" for your property, will be indicated on your Request for Verification and Correction form that will be mailed to you along with your Initial Notification Letter. Your requested reduction must meet that threshold.
C. Other potential reasons for requesting a Verification and Correction could be: recipient of the Notification Letter is not the property owner/user, the provided drainage service is an Open Ditch and not Curb & Gutter, property is exempt or property is associated with a Home Owners Association (HOA).
D. If you are eligible for Verification and Correction, you can proceed with your request by either:
a. Using the City's officially-designated internet link [Click Here to access this specifically-designated link]; or
b. Filling out the Request for Verification and Correction form (that was mailed to you with the Notification Letter), and sending it to the City - either electronically, or by mail, to: City of Houston, Department of Public Works & Engineering, P.O.B. 4863, Houston, TX 77210-4863.
E. The documentation you provide in support of your Request for Verification and Correction should include, at a minimum, a drawing or other depiction with accompanying measurements, supporting your claim that the City's determination of the amount of your impervious area is incorrect.
F. As a condition of requesting Verification and Correction, you must grant the City reasonable access to your property for the City to independently verify on-site information.
G. The Request for Verification and Correction form includes an affidavit (at the lower part of the Form), which you must sign to verify under penalty of law that any document that you are submitting to the City is true and correct.
H. You may check the status of your Request for Verification and Correction either online [Click Here to access the appropriate link] or by calling (713) 371-1111.
I. Based on documentation you submit along with your Request for Verification and Correction, and information available to the City, the City may increase or decrease the figure for the amount of impervious surface on your property, and will adjust the drainage utility charge accordingly.
J. You will be notified of the outcome of the City's Verification and Correction process at the same address and using the same medium by which your request was tendered to the City (in writing by mail or electronically), including the adjustment, if any, to your annual drainage utility charge.
K. Regardless of the pending outcome of your Request for Verification and Correction, you are still responsible for paying bills you have received; in the event the City determines that an adjustment to your charge is warranted, it will be applied as follows:
a. If any drainage utility charge you paid the City during the City's Initial Billing Year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) and prior to the City's adjustment of this charge, is more than the amount of the charge as adjusted by the City ("Corrected Charge"), the cumulative total of such corrections due you for payments made prior to such adjustment will be credited to your account and will be applied against your future drainage charges due the City.
b. If any drainage utility charge you paid the City during the City's Initial Billing Year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), and prior to the City's adjustment of this charge, is less than the amount of the charge as adjusted by the City ("Corrected Charge"), the cumulative total of such corrections due the City for payments made prior to such adjustment will be debited to your account and will be assessed against your future drainage charges due the City.
L. The documents and information you provide in your Request for Verification and Correction cannot be used as the basis for a subsequent Request for Verification and Correction (unless the square footage of your Impervious Surface changes). You can, however, appeal the outcome of your Request for Verification and Correction at any time following receipt of the City's Notification of the Outcome of your Request for Verification and Correction [Click Here to review the Appeal Process].